Thursday, February 02, 2012

RootsTech Day 1

RootsTech is just like other genealogy conferences...and it isn't.  The structure is similar. There is a vendor area with Ancestry, FamilySearch, and all the other regular exhibitors, but, there is a Microsoft pavilion where they are playing ping pong, and not on a computer. The day is filled with sessions but the titles are a little different and in addition they have unconferencing sessions where people just decide to do a presentation and post on a white board that they are having it. The demographic is also different... lots of older ladies and young men.  In fact there are a lot more men then at a traditional conference.  We have an app for RootsTech where you can plan your schedule and see and send tweets and the syllabus is online. 

But it is still a genealogy conference. The genealogists look the same but the talk is about apps, Facebook, blogging and Twitter mixed in with a better Gedcom, and A Users Perspective: Developing a Universal Metadata Structure for Genealogical Content Providers.  

The Genealogy Idol competition was great fun and educational. Marian Pierre-Louis was crowned the first Genealogy Idol. Talk of collaboration in genealogy research is all around as is talk of indexing the 1940 census and the upcoming release. Brightsolid (do you capitalize it if it is the first word of a sentence) announced that they are entering the US market as a genealogy content provider.  All this and two days to go. 

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