Thursday, March 08, 2012

A New Look for the Orange County, California FamilySearch Wiki

I finally put the Orange County, California Wiki sandbox I have been working on, into the live page on FamilySearch Wiki. It still needs some work but the concept seems to be "get-it-out-there" and let the community as a whole work on it. Afterwards, I was asked if I was going to do every county in California. Wow! Lots of work. I also feel that it would be somewhat presumptuous of me to do this to every county. Plus, this is not all my own work.  I was told that I could copy formatting from WikiPages I liked. That no one "owns" a WikiPage. This totally flies in the face of the APG Code of Ethics. To give proper credit, the basic design comes from the WikiProject Utah Experimental County. It's not that difficult to code but it was their idea and I liked it.
I'm now looking into a few of the terms that are used. GSNOCC adopted Orange County which is why I felt comfortable doing such a major overall. There is also a position called a moderator. I'm not sure at this time how adopting a page is different than being a moderator although I do know that one is a group and the other is an individual. I need to find out exactly what everyone does with a wiki. So that leads me to reading wikiHow.

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